Monday, February 15, 2021

Advice? New to Reddit/ New to weight loss

I’ve been overweight for most of my adult life and my weight has fluctuated a lot during different times in my life. However over quarantine, I guess with a complete sedentary lifestyle and going back to school, I put on 35(ish) lbs. So I obviously need to lose more than 50 lbs preferably closer to 90 lbs.

Here’s my problem, I have made a lot of changes and my weight seems to still be going the wrong direction. I have tried logging my food and I am horrible at it but on days I log most of it I consume roughly 2000 calories. I don’t eat fast food, don’t eat out much, don’t drink soda or anything besides water really, I don’t like sweets, I don’t binge eat. I do like chips but I’ve replaced them with portion sized Peatos (crunchy protein dries peas snacks). Besides that I cook dinner every night, which usually seems pretty healthy always has veggies and some sort of protein. I am a vegetarian so it’s usually a fake meat protein substitute. My boyfriend is underweight and trying to put on weight so he does bring home a lot of bad food deserts and snacks, which has caused me to feel like I need to eat with him sometimes even if i’m not always hungry.

I recently bought an elliptical since my gyms are still closed. I’ve only used it a few times I feel too low energy to get on it most days and I hate that I feel like that. I feel very discouraged I am not sure if I should be looking into professional help or what I could be doing differently. I’ve been told it’s 80% food 20% exercise. When you’re larger it’s “easier” to lose weight but it feels almost impossible. I am willing to make more changes, be more held accountable, I just genuinely don’t understand what I am doing wrong? Any advice would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/daringdarian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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