Friday, February 12, 2021

Almost had my second cheat day of the week.

I'm on mobile so excuse the format and this is a long post, so strap in and stay til the end for pictures!

I started my weight loss journey on July 27th 2020 at 256lbs and im currently down to 217.4lbs. I changed my work schedule 2 weeks ago and haven't been able to adjust to it. It wasn't a huge change, but I used to have 3 days off 2 of them being together and now I still have 3 days off, but none back to back. My sleep schedule has been off because of it and I've found myself snacking later since I'm staying up later. I normally have a cheat day (a day where I don't track my macros) once a week on Fridays and even after last Friday my cravings have been hard to control and so when calculating macros at the end of the day I find that I've gotten close or gone over the amount of fat I should have each day. It's put a damper on my mood and I ended up giving in to another cheat day on Monday of this week. 3 weeks ago, after doing this journey alone for so long, a co-worker decided she wanted to race me since we both have exactly 43lbs to lose before reaching our goal weight. I said yes, not for the money but because I thought it would be nice to hold myself accountable to someone other than myself. After this week and sending her my unchanged numbers (weight, waist and hip measurements) today I almost gave in, but I pulled another tool out of my bag and decided to start taking progress pictures again. The results almost made me cry. After seeing this, I was ready to get back to it and remind myself I am not my cravings and I have the strength to fight them. I have started and stopped this journey too many times, but I told myself in the beginning this time would be different and I am going to continue working to get what I want. I didnt have anyone to share this with, so I figured I'd share with this community.

submitted by /u/Grimmgoddess22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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