Thursday, February 18, 2021

It Starts From Within

I think a lot of people can relate to the sentiment of wanting to lose weight, but falling off the wagon once motivation starts to dwindle. And then after that comes in the inevitable sense of failure and sadness that you couldn't keep up with all of the amazing plans and goals you had so ambitiously designed for yourself.

I've been on the bigger side my entire life and I've had my fair share of moments where I thought I was ready to commit to changing my lifestyle for the better. But after a couple of weeks as my motivation started going down, as excuses started becoming more and more frequent, I would fall off it and go back to my old ways thinking I just didn't have it in me to really commit to a change. At first, I wasn't exactly sure what was different about this time around. Maybe it was finally hopping on the scale and seeing the dreaded number I had been avoiding for so long, or seeing live examples of people's weight loss transformations and thinking "wow, I want that to be me". After a month and a half, I think I've come to understand what's different about this time around than all the others: me.

The way I started thinking about myself, feeling about myself when I finished that first week of my journey and saw that I had lost 5lbs I suddenly realized that I can do it. I do have it in me to do this. Even with my muscles the sorest they've ever been, even with the cravings, I still managed to do it. And that, more than anything is what's kept me going. I'm now a month and a half in, 15 pounds down, and ready to keep moving forward with this journey and finally being the healthiest version of myself. Of course, there's a plethora of other things that have impacted my journey, but being prouder and kinder to myself has been a major factor in pushing me to reach a potential I never thought I could.

submitted by /u/adoringflames
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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