Thursday, February 4, 2021

NSV : I'm choosing healthier snacks because I want them!

I'm lurked Loseit for a long time, and have been known to occasionally post (mostly on my old account). Most recently I posted that while I'm currently pregnant I'd like to use this period of time to equip myself with the tools I need for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

I can't say I've worked too hard for it, but in trying to gain weight (never thought I'd say that) for my baby's sake I've managed to pick up a few new habits.

NSV 1: I'm a massive late night snacker, and normally those snacks are chips, ice cream, binge food etc. Lately though I find myself reaching for an apple or some carrots and hummus and it's remarkably just as satisfying.

NSV 2: While I do still eat and crave sugary junk food all the time, the quantities and frequency in which I consume it have gone way down. Example, I got a family sized bag of chips. Normally that would be gone in an hour as I mindlessly much in front of a show, but instead the bag lasted me a week! I actually used a bag clip, and put it away in the cupboard.

NSV 3: I want healthy foods more now. It started as a "oh I should eat a veggie for baby's sake" and now it's more "oh remember to eat some veggies for /both/ of us.

NSV 4: Everyone told me my appetite would go way up with pregnancy, which terrified me. With my eating habits however, I find it's actually gone way down. Not being able to eat probably for a couple of months due to nausea definitely shrunk my stomach / appetite. I eat a "normal" sized portion most days and actually feel full!

As someone who's struggled with bulimia for nearly 10 years this is a massive win for me! Normally binging is all I have to cope with my emotions, and as I keep trying to learn new coping techniques, I've also learned ways to minimize the damage if I fall upon my old ones. A binge doesn't feel as bad if it's on an entire cucumber and a couple tablespoons of hummus, or on two ice cream sandwiches instead of the whole box.

I'm hoping that this is a turning point for me. I can't wait to have my baby and learn better habits for the both of us.

submitted by /u/Boguscertainty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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