Wednesday, February 3, 2021


I’m down to 213# from 255#. I changed how I looked at weight loss last September and decided that going slow and steady instead of doing one of those crazy diets and losing all the weight super fast before plateauing. I’m so happy and proud of myself. I’m over halfway to my first goal. My initial goal is to get down to 180. Then 160 and then I’m hoping to get to 140 in the end

I didn’t want to get skinny. I wanted to feel healthy and I’m already feeling so much better. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin now, I can do so much more without getting winded. I can wear all of my pre-quarantine clothes. I can’t tell if this small amount is enough to get this excited but it’s something I’m so proud of myself about.

In September I was placed on medication to help with some mental health issues, however it Kickstarter my wanting to lose weight by making me balloon up about 20 pounds after starting. After that I just made small changes, I started walking almost daily and am trying to get into the habit of exercise on a recumbent bike every other day (at least until my legs are getting used to it and I can switch to daily) I’ve been watching my caloric intake and speaking to my friend who happens to be a body builder and learning about nutrition and how to successfully use what I eat in a day to improve myself. Idk of what I do will help anyone but I really do suggest doing a ton of research on healthy weight loss. I thought it was dumb before and that it was as easy and just cutting calories and exercise but I realize now that the way I did it before was unrealistic and wouldn’t ever work for me

submitted by /u/PrideBusy7219
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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