Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Weekly Accountability Update/Week 2, SW 231.5/CW 218.4

Still losing weight! I love being able to check in every few days on my scale. It’s super convenient and I don’t have to guess and wonder if what I’m doing is right! I had a big challenge over the weekend, and did have some days “in the red” where I went over my calorie limit. I always have a sweet tooth after dinner and we had some Kit Kat bars. And cans of coke. I love regular coke and treated myself. One night last week, for dinner, my husband made enchiladas (so good!!) and I ate more than I should have. I felt the stopping point and went beyond, because they were good and I didn’t want to stop eating. Turned out to be like 1000 calorie meal once I plugged it into the app, and I went over my limit by about 400 calories that day. It felt so heavy, like I’d eaten a rock for dinner. I’ve decided not to have a “cheat day” or day off from dieting/counting calories, and instead to have the occasional treat here and there. Maybe that will change in the future, but it’s working for me now. At least I’ve gotten rid of most of the temptations in the house by now, either by eating them or sending them away. I have noticed that I’m much more energetic now, before I NEEDED a 1-2 hour nap every day just to make it to bedtime. Now I don’t need a nap at all and feel fine throughout the day. So that’s a super nice change, because I always wondered why I seem to need so much sleep. Another struggle I’ve had is drinking enough water. My dietician wants me to drink at least 100 oz per day and the best I’ve been able to do is 50 oz on one day. Average seems to be about 40 oz. That’s something I really need to work on, I saw a post on here suggesting that being dehydrated can slow down or stall weight loss. Like anything else I suppose it takes practice and commitment. I’m starting to recognize thirst cues and keeping a big glass of water nearby. I’ve also noticed my lips aren’t so peely too. I guess I just get caught up in my day-to-day and don’t think to refill my glass as often as I should. Having a straw in my glass helps, and I got an app to remind me to drink—Plant Nanny. It’s like a sort of game to keep this virtual plant alive, and you have to drink water and log it before the thing dies. It sends notifications when your plant is thirsty! It’s a nice reminder. I’m also thinking of getting this device that you can put around your glass or water bottle, whatever you’re using, that tracks your drinks and lights up when it’s been a while since you’ve had a drink. It’s about $25 so I think it’s cheap enough to be worth the shot! Anyway, thanks for sticking with me, and good luck on all your weight loss endeavors!

submitted by /u/FoxFarm1991
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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