Saturday, February 13, 2021

Some help please.

Ive been struggling a bit with my diet.

I started my weight loss journey in December 2020. My start weight was 70kg (heaviest) current weight (67kg) goal weight 55kg.

I'm writing to this subreddit to ask for advice.

This week I had a bad week. I'm an emotional eater, when I've had a stressful day I eat, i eat when I'm feeling sad or down. So this week was just one of those weeks where I was feeling kind of down and I deviated from my diet.

My normal routine is to make all my meals for the day in the morning snacks included, so that I don't buy take out. Normally I stick to those meals

But this week I found myself eating more than I should and skipping out on excercise. I only excercised on Monday. And I feel kind of shitty about it now.

Fpr those of you that have done this on their own. How did you keep yourself going? Especially in weeks when the mind is particularly weak?

submitted by /u/Arg_MakeMeAUsername
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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