Monday, March 8, 2021

A long, long plateau

Hello r/LoseIt! I’m not sure where else to go to advice, despite there being 900 blog posts in Google about plateaus.

I successfully went from 190 lbs in October of 2019 to 144 lbs today. There’s been a few plateaus along the way, but nothing I couldn’t break through.

I’m 5’1” and trying to join the US Air Force, so I need to shed about 4 more pounds at least before I can move forward there. My weight was stuck at 147, I got through that, and now it’s stuck again and is continuing to stick at 145. Currently I could lose 1 lb a week at 1100 calories, but I’m sticking to 1200 for safety.

Last summer, my sister was losing weight with me at 1200 cal/day, but now she’s maintaining at 1800 and my dad is losing at 1800, so it’s been really really difficult to keep my calories low!

I’m considering OMAD, but I’m a pretty avid runner and get hungry after a run. I’m really bad about one snack snowballing into three snacks, so I try to avoid it if I can. Planning my day out ahead of time doesn’t work because my family will decide to have something else for dinner last minute. If I don’t cook, my dad does and serves massive portions.

Any plateau busting tips? Are there any runners who do OMAD and what’s your experience with it? I’m getting really impatient with my weight loss recently

submitted by /u/Severe-Phone5929
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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