Saturday, March 6, 2021

Has there ever been a point along your journey (especially early on) where you just sort of knew that THIS was the time you would finally succeed? What changed for you mentally from all the other times?

Ok so basically what I mean to say is, for those who have been “on a diet” for most of their teen/adult lives but never seemed to fall through in the long run, what is it about this time that you’re certain is going to be successful? Whether you’re currently losing weight or have already accomplished your goals, was there, or has there ever been, a moment where it all sort of just clicked and you finally realized that success was in your grasp?

I’m asking because I’m the yo-yo girl. I’ve struggled with EDs from the age of 10, I am a frequent dieter in my adult life, and I have a history of crash landing into months-long periods of binge eating. In January of 2019 I finally admitted I had a problem and I decided to seek out therapy for my tumultuous relationship with food. In the last 2 years I have lost 30lbs which is a drop in the ocean compared to what I want to lose but I feel those 30lbs have taught me valuable lessons.

This January I took those lessons and decided to get serious about weight loss and I’m down 11lbs in 2 months, which is great! Everyday is less an exercise in restraint and more of a practice in forgiveness. I no longer punish myself for eating a burger every once in a while. The difference is that because I no longer see burgers as “evil” I can now stop at eating 1 of them and I move on to the next meal with no guilt attached. My guilt used to fuel my binge eating and now it’s gone. I’m also able to calorie count for the first time in my life without triggering the ED I had as a child/teen.

This switch in my mentality towards food and my body has led me to believe that this is “it”. This is finally the moment I’ve been yearning for my whole life. I feel like I’m finally going to succeed at the one thing I’ve failed time and time again. But that’s the thing, I’ve failed countless times and my confidence cripples when I remember all the times I’ve gassed myself up in the past to only fall on my face a few weeks later.

So yeah! Basically just wondering how many here just “knew” and how true did you believe that to be/did it prove to be true in the end? What conditions led you to decide this? I’m still relatively early on in my own course and I am just curious if this feeling is universal or not and does it mean anything substantial. Because I really feel like this time is different.

submitted by /u/tangerinehair
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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