Thursday, March 25, 2021

I finally hit a healthy BMI this morning!


The whole journey

I’ve pretty much always struggled with losing and keeping weight off. In 2016 I even managed to dip below 150 but it came back as soon as I got “off plan.” I was a yo-yo dieter through and through. On my chart you can see my beach body days, some keto times, intermittent fasting, restricting to 1200, etc. None of them were sustainable for me and it shows.

Tired of the cycle of losing quickly and then gaining quicker I decided in May 2020 that I would give slow weight loss a try for one year. It’s been really rewarding and I honestly feel like I could continue these habits for the rest of my life!

I made one change at a time and once I got that down I moved on to the next. I eat whatever I want but I count the calories and watch my portions (my food scale is a lifesaver), I make an effort to get in some kind of purposeful movement every morning, and I’m always kind and loving to myself. My eating habits haven’t been perfect but when I stumble I just forgive myself and move on. Not punishing myself by restricting the meals after a slip or going crazy to burn the calories has been instrumental in psychological part of weight loss.

I started out with 10 minutes of movement and eating 2000 calories and now almost a year later I get in 30 minutes each morning and eat around 1600 calories a day.

If you’re looking to get started with slow sustainable changes I highly recommend the podcasts We Only Look Thin and Half-size Me. Both have been super helpful!

submitted by /u/DunniganAlley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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