Sunday, March 7, 2021

I need to lose 70 lbs ASAP.

26F, CW: 273, GW: 160-150.

I plan to start my acting career in 2021. So I need to step up my weight loss journey by a LOT. I’ve been doing everything that I can. Granted, My eating habits still aren’t the best. I’m working on it. I need to stick to 1,500 calories, Anything less I felt too faint for my weight or anything above that will make me gain more as I’m training. So it’s a good start for me. Eventually as I lose more I’d like to lower it to 1,200 when I get closer to 210 lbs. Now I almost gave up my acting career over the weekend before I even started it. I’ve been in one play recently with a lead role and I loved it. I still want to go for it since it’s something I really want to do!!

Anyway back to my weight. Like I said I haven’t been eating the best, I had a cheat weekend which I haven’t done in a long time, I just gave into a few small cravings and didn’t over indulge like I used to do. I was careful and actually lost 3 lbs this weekend! I was shocked. I have been trying to drink more water, Haven’t really been counting but it’s at least 100+ Oz. The serving is 42 when I fill up my water filter half way, And I drink at least 3 a day. I won’t be having another cheat day for a while, Because it made me feel like crap. It literally made me sick and I still don’t feel well from yesterday.

I need to lose exactly 12 lbs a month to lose 70 lbs before this year has ended. I will have an extra month in December, I hope I won’t get too off track by then. I’ve hit a pause for the last two weeks. But once I get back into meal prepping I should be fine right? I usually lose about 3 lbs a week when I do this, Which is too fast for most but it’s what I need! I was never in such a rush before, But I want to look my best so I can start sending out those acting auditions. I don’t think I’m in an obsessive state yet, And I am being careful. I don’t workout for long hours, In fact I mostly only have 30 minutes at the gym since my ride is always late but I am going to start getting there early and workout for a full hour again! My arms are already tightening/getting smaller, That’s always the hardest part but it was small when I was training before so maybe that’s why it only took 3 weeks this time around. My chest is still huge but not as bad as it was- I can tell by my size, it doesn’t fit anymore. I’ve noticed that I lost most of the fat in my back, Which was quite hard to get rid of as well. So it’s mostly upper body that I need to work on, My lower body is pretty good right now but I will be keeping up with both. I think HIIT will help with that.

Anyway, Is this possible to lose 70 lbs before the year is over? Have you done it or lost even more in 9 months?

submitted by /u/Witchinthestars
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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