Sunday, March 7, 2021

Should I avoid talking to her about my weight loss?

Hey guys. Recently, after falling off the weight loss wagon, I curiously took a look at my weight on the scale and was surprised to see that the changes I made in activity (walking 45-50 minutes to work and back home everyday and in the past week biking the distance,) helped me lose weight! I remember being 190 pounds at one point, and the other day it was 176. I didn't even notice the difference, maybe it was due to me drinking less soda too? But I talked more seriously about getting a planet fitness membership and "drinking just water" with my significant other (not totally dieting) and she responded to me with this.

((I guess ive not been clear enough but I hate talking about it. Weight is a huge negative trigger for me :,) seeing someone your size (literally my dream body) say "omg im so obese lol i need to lose soooo much weight" when im literally stuck at 260+ pounds because of my depression makes me lowkey want to die 😎))

She hasn't told me to NOT lose weight and doesn't discourage me from it, but she has discouraged me from relying on the BMI scale to define whether I'm obese (it was 31 or 32 when I was 190.) And that I don't need to lose weight I look fine. But I want to become healthier and an average weight for my height. (21F 5 feet 5 inches) I want to do whatever kind of activity I want and not get tired so quickly.

I guess my point is, do you guys think I should stop talking with her about it if it'll make her uncomfortable? I mean I'll have to say no thanks to food sometimes and I have a gallon water bottle I'm solely going to be drinking water from in an effort to increase water intake and keep myself full longer. I'm also very interested in going and beginning strength training/HIIT at planet fitness so I'll have to tell her like this is where I'm going I'll be back by etc. But aside from these things, do you think I should avoid celebrating my victories with her? Should I avoid sharing healthier meals with her? To not hurt her feelings and trigger her?

submitted by /u/KayChan20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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