Saturday, March 6, 2021

It’s not much, but it’s all mine!

Twenty pounds down, and I can hardly believe it! I put on my goal jeans this morning, and not only did they zip (!!) but I left them on and actually wore them!

I’ve been doing CICO - but mostly just “CI.” MFP tells me that if I eat around 1600 calories I’ll lose 1 pound per week, so I’ve been using that as my upper limit and aiming for 1200-1300 per day. Any exercise I do is just bonus, I don’t adjust my intake from it but I haven’t been doing tons of exercise yet - that will be Phase 2.

I recently had a 3 week plateau going on which was super frustrating since I was within 3 pounds of my first goal! But I rode it out, just kept doing what I needed to do and trusted that it would pass eventually. It really helped that people post their weight loss graphs here because I was able to see that everybody has those random upticks, and eventually they head back down again. Hopefully my graph will help someone else!

If you’re in a plateau, just stay the course. Ride it out and trust the process!

submitted by /u/Wishyouamerry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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