Sunday, March 7, 2021

Just starting my journey and in need of some guidance. I am eager to get going but I need to know that I am doing this right and doing it the healthy way! SW: 235 GW: 140

Hi! A little background about me, very brief but helpful... 35, 5'2, female, moderate "exercise" (SAHM of a 4 yr old and 10m old).

After having my son I started gaining weight like crazy. When I had my son 10m ago I was 180 and now I'm 235. It's gotten to the point where I needed to see my doc to get some advice, and I did this past Friday. She suggested I download and use the Lose It app and stick to a calorie goal of 1400 in order to lose about 1-2 lbs a week, then after 10 weeks I can lower my goal to 1200 and stick to that to manage and maintain my loss. She also wants me to stick to a what she called "vegetarian lite", lessen my red meat intake, eat veggies high in iron, fiber, and protein. No white foods like white rice, potatoes, white bread (I only eat wheat anyways), sugars. Skip unnecessary sauces like gravy, condiments, and cautiously watch my sodium intake. While this seemed like a lot to me, in the last couple days since our meeting I've been watching what I'm eating and how much of it I am consuming. I thought I was eating well throughout the day, but I've found that I'm only eating my kids leftovers and then binge eating when everyone goes to bed. I'd eat a bowl of cereal, nachos, brownies, all sorts of crap that I was wanting to eat in the day but instead of just saying no to it altogether I justified it with "well, you busted your ass today with the kids, enjoy what you want!". Bleh. I felt gross, I knew it was a bad idea but I did it anyway. I digress...

I want to stick to my docs suggestions, and I have every intention to do what she says. I am subbed to r/CICO and while the idea seems straight forward, I still don't get it (which makes me feel stupid and discouraged). My app/doc says 1400 cals, today I only ate 1282, so I have eaten less than what they suggested. Is that good? Am I doing this right? My TDEE calculator says I should be eating 2459 which sounds like way too much. For someone that doesn't work out very much it just sounds like way too many for me and my lifestyle. I'm sure my Lose It app took a deficit into account and projected a 1400 intake to help reach my goal, which would make sense because that's what my doc said as well. Now, I am not good with math whatsoever... So what I'm understanding is this:

According to my data, my caloric intake should be 2459. BUT, I need a deficit to jump start my weight loss, so my doc/app projected a 1400 goal. Thus, my initial "deficit" is 1059. Is that right?? For some reason I STILL don't understand the process of CICO. I've posted to the sub and my question has some traction but I'm still not fully getting it... Idk if what I'm understanding is right, wrong, or half n half...

submitted by /u/super_vixen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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