Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Losing weight fast might be costing you more time in the long run…

I get it. You hop on the scale and the number is higher than you want it to be. You want to fix it, and you want to fix it fast. Let me tell you, I tried that, and it was not worth it.

I dropped 48 pounds a few years ago in an extremely short period of time and am still dealing with the negative consequences, none of which were worth the time I “saved” by dieting quickly.

I am a 5’7” active female who didn’t do the proper research before deciding to lose weight. I saw the number on the scale, freaked out, and went to work on the problem. I picked the “magic” 1200-calorie budget I thought was standard for all females (hint, hint: it’s actually not standard for most females) and ramped up physical activity a lot. The weight flew off.

Unfortunately, and I did not know this at the time, I completely f*cked up my hormones in the process of losing weigh in a quick manner. By the time I figured out how bad I had messed up, my body started freaking out. I lost my period (for 3+ years) but worse, I obtained Binge Eating Disorder as my body’s way of dealing with the trauma of quick weight loss.

So, now, not only have I gained the weight back, I have been battling BED for years and my hormones are still messed up (my period showed up for the first time in three years in October and November 2020 but then disappeared again and hasn't been back since).

I did not save time by losing weight fast. Instead, I wasted years and messed myself up physically and mentally.

Once my hormones re-regulate and I have a mentally and physically healthy relationship with food and exercise, I will lose weight and I will do it at the slowest rate possible while still making reasonable progress.

If you want to save the most amount of time possible, do yourself a favor and lose weight right the first time. You won’t regret it.

What is the “right” way? It varies person to person, situation to situation. Do your research. Talk to professionals (real ones, not the Instagram ones). Figure out the best plan for you, which likely isn’t losing weight as rapidly as possible.

TL;DR I lost weight too fast, my body freaked out, and I'm dealing with a shit load of problems (including weight regain) years later. Losing weight rapidly usually doesn't lead to long-term success. Do your research. Talk to a professional. Lose weight in a safe way for you.

submitted by /u/powelale000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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