Friday, March 19, 2021

Lost an inch off my pooch!

5'4 | 30f | SW: 147lbs CW: 139lbs GW: 120lbs

For the past month I have been eating 1200 calories a day with the exception of 3-4 1500 calorie days (if I am having serious cravings I take it as a sign from my body). 3-4 times a week I take an hour long walk during lunch and 4-5 days a week I do moderate intensity home workouts (pilates, upper, lower body lifting, etc).

I have somehow only lost inches on my legs, pooch (upper hips) and lower hips. I can now fit into dresses I haven't worn since last summer 🤩 the best part is I think I finally have found a sustainable weight loss method. I can't wait to hit my GW and up my calories to maintenance and maintain my results.

EDIT: I am extremely sedentary due to COVID. This level of calories only works because I sit approximately 12 hours a day for work.

submitted by /u/Sweaty-Moose-4534
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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