Saturday, March 13, 2021

[NSV] I wish I had taken "before" pictures

29F 5'2" SW:157 CW:125 GW:<120

I need a place to reflect and brag a little. A few years ago I started my weight loss journey and successfully lost 40 pounds, for a low weight of 117. I decided to take the slow-and-steady approach and made one change at a time. I started tracking everything using Myfitnesspal, and a few months later gave up sugar completely. A few months after that I started restrcting my calories to 1200 per day. It took 16 months, but I dropped from being overweight to my lowest weight ever!

I have gained about 8 lbs since lockdown started, and I have been feeling really bad about it. I've started eating ice cream again and am no longer tracking my calories. I know I need to get back on the horse and pick up my good habits again, but it's hard when I work within walking distance of the kitchen! It is hard, but not impossible. I know that.

Today my dad was reminiscing about a vacation our family took 5 years ago and was scrolling through photos. I spotted myself and my emotions went wild. I WAS SO FAT. Back then I didn't see myself that way (and as an aside, I don't see others that way either. I'm only really critical of myself) and now I look in the mirror and see how tight my pants have gotten. But wow, looking in the mirror after seeing those photos and I am a beanpole! I can't stop staring at the size of my pants and how healthy I look now. How dare I be mad about gaining 8 pounds when I am still 32 lbs down!

I didn't take before photos because I thought they would hamper my progress, or that they didn't matter. Now I desperately wish I had them so I could help my brain see the body I have as being a victory. Please, if you haven't taken photos yet do so now.

Any tips on quarantine weight loss?

submitted by /u/ColorfulLanguage
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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