Sunday, March 21, 2021

Seriously... take progress photos.

I’m currently about 40 pounds down from my highest weight. For the past week or so, I was stuck in a funk feeling like my body hadn’t changed at all. I still felt squishy and wide. I still have a belly that sticks out, jiggly arms and thighs, and have always had big boobs (which feel like they’ve stayed exactly the same size). I’m now in the healthy weight range for my height, but I felt like I was back at the beginning, when I was 180 lbs.

In an attempt to prove I had changed, I took some new mirror selfies, and looked through old Facebook photos. But I couldn’t see much of difference. In all of them I was posed, wearing my best-fitting clothes, standing up straight, and sucking in my gut. I could see I was a little narrower now, but nothing extreme like I expected.

But this morning, my boyfriend was looking through old photos on his phone. He pulled up one I’d never seen from over a year ago. I was lying on the bed with our cat, and the photo was taken from a very unflattering angle. I was shocked. I had back rolls. I was squeezed into my jeans, and my stomach stuck out over them. I looked wide. None of these are features I see in current pictures of myself, where I look pretty slim and really don’t have any obvious rolls at all. I realized that I have changed... a lot. And in fact I’d always denied that I looked like this and avoided these unflattering pictures.

All this to say—take progress pictures! Not just perfectly posed ones with flattering clothing. Take naked, natural pictures that show the rolls and the lumps. And if you are well into your weight loss journey and never took progress photos, then ask your friends or loved ones for some old pics. They might have some candids that will really show the difference!

submitted by /u/peachfoxes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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