Tuesday, July 20, 2021

7 month progress 205->153

Just wanted to share my strategy a little, keep in mind I'm a long haul trucker and I live out of my truck so I can only get to a grocery store maybe once a week.

In December I decided to try and lose weight after living off fast food for 6 months, over 200 made me feel terrible for my height (5'9). The hardest part was just starting, I went with getting a 5day nutrisystem starter pack from Walmart, and honestly that changed everything. It changed something in my mind that I could actually be eating healthy or at least a healthy amount of calories and feel better throughout the day and kind of have something to be proud of. After that I started gradually working out and doing a little cardio maybe once or twice a week, up to about 5-6 days now.

My daily meals were a bit tricky, my goal was 1200 calories and I finally got into an eating routine I could live with (By no means follow this it's just what I like).

Breakfast - either oatmeal or aikos triple 0 Greek yogurt. (100 calories).

2 hours later snack - protein shake, truefit is my favorite, (170 calories)

Lunch 2 hours later - salad from either Walmart or truck stop, (200-300 calories)

Snack 1-2 hours later - Peanuts (170 calories)

2nd snack - Tuna in water pack - (70 caloroes)

Dinner - ground chicken and microwave corn ( 100 calories + 80 calories)

My workout days I would usually eat some fruit about 15 minutes before exercising to burn off the carbs, and have another protein shake after.

That's my standard daily diet I feel satiated most of the day and it's very high protein so I can retain some of the muscle I build. Sometimes I get really bad cravings to just pig out on sugary stuff, the best thing I do for that is just eat an extra serving of Peanuts, it really crushes my hunger... and it helps to not have any junk food in my truck. It's about 1000 calories there, I usually pickup 1-200 more calories from snacks, like beef sticks or health cookies things like that.

The workout portion i think is necessary, not really for the weight loss but it really helps you feel better and puts you in the right state of mind to stay motivated.

My struggle is that I'm alone literally 99% of the time so I don't have any social support, like I'm losing all this weight but who even knows lol. It ends up being something that I have for myself, when I have a bad day I can always know that I worked on myself and my body and it's not going anywhere anytime soon.

Here's a before and after if you like, also your best friend should be the wiki on r/fitness it really is amazing to learn about the details of weight loss. Good luck if your starting out!


submitted by /u/jday112
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hTcFEh

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