Tuesday, July 20, 2021

“This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will …”

… And I'm not here to talk about Fort Minor, but about that power of will and from where you derive it. Yes, I know. There are a lot of motivations listed in posts in this sub. But recently (for the last few kilos, that is) I've been thinking about where my personal priorities lie. I tried to complete my list of reasons for this weight loss and assign percentages according to their subjective importance.

I know I could have summed up old clothes, new clothes, bikinis, neoprene suits and lingerie as one big clothing motivation with >50%. But I could have also had points like “fitting into my old black graduation dress” with 0.0X%. Building the former list would have taken 30 seconds, the latter longer than the diet itself. So I chose a level of granularity somewhere in between 🙃

On the first glance I felt pretty vain because so much of my motivation seems to be superficial. But I do realize that a lot of this is just the hope to gain some of my long lost self confidence and mental stability back, basically fueling inner change with outer improvement. Therefore I shouldn't shame myself for this. And basically any reason is good enough if it gives me the power to make important changes for my long term health, isn't it?

Long story short: Here's my list. I hope I'm not just screaming out into the void, but that someone feels like joining me and sharing their thoughts. I'd love to read about what goes on in other people's minds. I'm especially interested in the reasons at the bottom of your list because that's where we'll probably find the most variety! Best wishes to everyone who bothers to read this :)

  • 23% Looking at myself without being ashamed
  • 12% Shopping for new clothes without worrying if they'll look flattering
  • 10% Wearing my old clothes
  • 9% Being healthy before the time comes to have children
  • 7% Looking my best when I get engaged and married
  • 6% Fighting against my migraines and circulation problems (That's probably an activity issue as much as a weight one)
  • 4.5% Showing my brother that it's possible to lose the weight without much hassle
  • 4% Sitting down without adjusting my clothes over my paunch to make them look less unflattering
  • 4% Going swimming and surfing after the pandemic
  • 4% Wearing lingerie again (Things like this make me realize that my insecure semi-skinny me actually had some guts)
  • 3% Believing my boyfriend when he compliments me
  • 3% Not ignoring health problems because I'd rather avoid undressing in front of a doctor (I know, I know. Really not proud of that one)
  • 3% Buying fast food or snacks or eating a larger portion without imagining that people think “No wonder that she looks like this”
  • 2% Shocking someone I haven't seen in a while with the change, no matter who it is
  • 1.5% Weighing less than my boyfriend (Couldn't you come towards me a little, my dear? 😅)
  • 1% Trying on glasses without feeling like they look too small for my round face
  • 1% Not worrying about the maximum load of sports equipment
  • 1% Finding out if I'll have loose skin
  • 0.5% Never hearing my father say “You're fat” ever again (Yeah, the man can be pretty charming …)
  • 0.5% Not feeling like a cliché ugly nerd (That one is so mean and stupid, but it still crosses my mind sometimes)
submitted by /u/NanananananaMadMaam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ixHIoh

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