Monday, July 19, 2021

After 5 years of little to no activity and steadily accumulating mass, I decided it was time to make a change. Began in March 2021, and this week I hit my goal to lose 50 lbs! M/27/5’7 SW: 225 CW: 175 New GW: 165

When I was growing up, I played multiple sports year round so I was always able to eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. My family did not have nightly dinner together so when I started making money my junior and senior year of high school I started a bad habit of eating out many times per week. This was the first time that I gained a lot of weight but a break up with my high school sweetheart motivated me to make a change and so I began lifting (almost zero cardio) a couple hours/day almost daily. During this initial weight loss I was the definition of a yo-yo dieter and would fluctuate between about 190 and 170 lbs because I would have a very strict diet for a month or so and then fall back into old habits.

This lasted until I began traveling for work about 5 years ago. I stopped having the time to hit the gym everyday and my motivation to eat clean went away with the exercise. From there I gained about 10lbs/year until late March this year when I stepped on the scale for the first time in years and saw 225 lbs staring back at me. Honestly, I expected worse and it probably was worse as I cut out soda and fast food cold turkey the first week of March a couple weeks prior to stepping on the scale. For the past 5 years, I never felt motivated to work out, it was a cycle of feeling depressed because I am not happy with my body or how i feel everyday and then when I could work out, not wanting to because I’m depressed and it seemed like too big of a hurdle.

This was me during that time bonus with my handsome dog

In March we got our /r/Pelotoncycle and decided it was time to change. There are 3 things to consider when beginning any new workout regimen: frequency, duration, and intensity - in that order. So in following that, the first thing I focused on was making working out a habit that I could make part of my schedule. I forced myself to ride for 20 mins/day everyday. Once I felt comfortable with that, I upped the duration. First I worked in 30 min classes, then 45 min, an hour. Then I started working in 90 min classes and realized I was capable of doing things I never thought I could do. Lastly, I focus on making sure at least 1-2 workouts/week are intense now that I have duration and frequency down.

Since I started riding in late March, I have rode over 1,400 miles!

Here is a chart of my weight loss and I want to point something out. When you look at my weight loss over the past year, it looks like a straight line down

but when I look at it over a shorter time period, it is a lot more bumpy so dont sweat the scale on a day-to-day basis! As far as diet, I practice intermittent fasting but I dont necessarily track it, I just work well by fasting and eating one large meal and maybe a low sugar snack after. I drink basically 0 calories.

My next goal is to lose another 10-15 lbs to try to get rid of the last bit of belly fat and then begin incorporating more strength training back in and maintain / recomp. Here is a “current” pic from 4th of July.

submitted by /u/Kalamazeus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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