Monday, July 12, 2021

Calorie deficit makes me miserable

Just wondering if anyone has any similar experience or tips for handling this. Feel as though I am constantly 'restricting' myself. I'm not hungry all the time but I never eat as much as I really want to. Keep it to super healthy home cooked meals, absolutely minimal sugar. No fast food, sweets, cakes etc.

I lost a lot of weight (15lbs) by dieting last year and in the last 5 months this has all creeped back. What's frustrating is that if anything, I'm more active than I was before. I am eating a reasonable amount, but these are all healthy foods and I am conscious of avoiding calorie dense foods and bingeing. I'm eating between 1700-2000 kcals a day, no 'low carb' 'keto' stuff, just very low in added sugars.

I've tried cutting back but even 1500-1700 feels too low. I get shaky and cold sweats, I can't function in my job and am too tired to do any exercise.

It's making me absolutely miserable to see myself at my heaviest, but the feeling of dieting also makes me depressed. Even more so that my current diet hasn't been sufficient to maintain weight loss. I can't imagine long term constantly restricting everything I eat!

Is there something I'm missing? What are your experiences with this and what helped you through it/ long term?

For those who want stats- 25F, 5'7 and 135lbs (was 120lbs). I'd like to think I'm a relatively active person for someone with a full time office job. I do 10k steps a day and work out 4-5x a week with a mix of cardio to strength of 30/60%. I've been using a Garmin to track calories, which says I burn about 2100-2300 a day (1600 BMR, 500 -800 active) I ate very little to lose the weight last year but I can't keep doing this, it was quite unsustainable. That said I know my body and my current weight, whilst 'healthy', is not 'normal' for me.

submitted by /u/iwantmovies123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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