Sunday, July 11, 2021

Celebrating a small victory

Hi everyone! I’m very new here, but I thought it might be the perfect place to share some progress I’m proud of (as I feel awkward talking about my weight irl). I’m 20F and I’ve struggled with weight for as long as I can remember. I’ve always been extremely insecure and body conscious, but never enough to really do anything about it. And then…quarantine happened dun dun dun. Over the course of the past year or so, I gained around 40 pounds from the combination of quarantine weight, relationship weight, and starting hormonal birth control. Unfortunately, I’m only 5 feet tall, so 40 is quite a lot of extra weight to put on my frame.

For the first time, my regular insecurity evolved into straight up self hatred. I avoided mirrors at all costs, I couldn’t fit into any of my cute clothes anymore, and I was just miserable overall. I made a pact to myself that the second my school semester ended (the first of May), I would go all out with the healthy eating and exercise. So that’s exactly what I did. I downloaded My Fitness Pal, started eating in a calorie deficit, and started going to the gym for about a half hour a day. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel straight up miserable and unmotivated some days, but I’m finally starting to see it pay off!

Unfortunately, I never knew my starting weight because I went into this with the mindset that I didn’t want to focus on numbers. I wouldn’t even let myself have a scale in my house in fear that it would lead me to spiral into unhealthy habits. However, I did weigh myself at someone else’s house about 3 weeks into my weight loss journey to get a general estimate. This past week, I finally broke down and purchased a scale to see if I’ve been making any progress. I was definitely nervous that I would hop on the scale and see little to no change, but what I saw was a pleasant surprise. Since the last time I weighed myself at the end of May, I’ve lost 15 pounds!!! That obviously sounds super minuscule compared to some of the numbers thrown around here, but I was proud that I managed to make that difference within ~2 months (most likely more than 15 pounds considering I probably had already lost some weight by the first time I weighed myself). This currently puts me at 217 lbs, so I still have a ways to go. I don’t necessarily have a “goal weight” since I’m just trying to get some of my confidence back by the time I return back to university at the end of August. This has given me motivation to keep on going!

Thank you for reading all of that; I just wanted to share. :)

submitted by /u/vcc1212
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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