Sunday, July 18, 2021

Fighting the cultural lens... while not being a member of the culture

Let me explain! No, there is to much, let me sum up.

I'm 6' 2" white (comes into play later, I promise) 34m and in May of this year I saw myself approaching 230lbs for the first time in my life. This frightened me, as I work in Healthcare and ive seen folks my age develop terrible health issues due to obesity. I got my shit together and changed my diet (keto, if anyone is wondering) and I am down to 204 as of this morning. Very happy with the progress, but I am struggling with body image due to my workplace.

The area in which i live is mostly Hispanic, many 2nd generation, parents worked the fields and their children (my coworkers) were able to get more education and enter different professions. I work in a female dominated field (mostly nurses) and they feel comfortable enough to comment on my weight loss and say I am looking too skinny. Mind you, going by charts and such I am still overweight (gw 190ish) and the mirror shows some blueberry muffin tops i still want to get rid of.

I feel this may be coming from these women having overweight husbands or fathers and seeing that as the norm. A lot of Hispanic kids in the area also suffer from obesity, its really hard to see. I don't get the same flack from my SE Asian coworkers, they don't see a need to comment on my body at all, thank goodness.

Most importantly, my wife is encouraging and I like my results. I know the proper response is to tell them to mind their business, keep comments to themselves, etc, but it still stings a bit.

Anyone else ever encounter something similar?

submitted by /u/Bobodyknows21
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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