Monday, July 19, 2021

Help starting weight loss 16M 5’11” (180.3 cm) SW/CW: 272 lbs (123.6kg); GW: 210 lbs(95.5kg);

Hello, I’ve finally decided to get advice for weight loss. I’ve been overweight since I was 6, but the increase was exponentially in the past few years. I’ve tried a dozen times over 8 years. I actually was in a good habit of losing weight, then COVID started, and the drive to continue losing weight died with lockdown, and the bored eating came back. I was about 238 at the start of lockdown, 222 in May(due to muscle atrophy), and now 272. I mainly sit at home the entire day, except for mowing the lawn, swimming twice a week, and going to the gym 2-3 times a week for 20 min. I used to walk a lot(during April 2020 I was walking 4.4-7 miles a day), but this year my “allergies”(got tested, came back negative, but my entire body still gets inflamed after 20 minutes) to grass skyrocketed (this and maybe other problems are likely caused by dust allergy, which is annoying to fix when you hoard old computers), so I stopped that. I would swim more, but it rains a lot, and my entire family has autoimmune diseases which make us feel like hell for a day when we go outside too long. For going to the gym, I’ve always been antisocial in public with people I know but aren’t friends with, but COVID made that worse, to the point where I actively avoid people, this becomes a problem when there’s only one large gym close to everyone. Most of my day is watching YouTube, playing games, browsing Reddit, and researching tech. The problem with everything I do is that I never finish, or even worse, never start anything, I have thousands of things left unfinished or not even started. (Case and point is get my drivers permit, my birthday was last fall, and I don’t even have my permit yet) My main hobby is working with arduinos and programming. The reason I finally decided to post here was yesterday my family went to a water park, and I was overweight for half of the rides. What advice do you have for me to lose weight?(sorry for tangents, but it’s a mainly 3 year story)Also, how can I keep motivated?

submitted by /u/ComanderCrypto
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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