Wednesday, July 21, 2021

How Big is Too Big for a Caloric Deficit?

Hi friends,

I have just started feeling like myself again after 1.5 years struggling with a newly diagnosed thyroid disease and gradual weight gain.

I finally have energy again and my body can finally recover after weight/cardio sessions, so I've been hitting it very hard. For reference, I'm a 27 yr old male, 6 ft. 2, I started at 237 lbs at my peak and am now down to 228.5 lbs after about 2 months.

I make sure to hit 10k steps a day now, and weight train about 4 days a week (20-25 sets per session). I play soccer/do cardio about 1-2 days a week and have been resting 1-2 days.

I recently got my resting metabolic rate tested using highly accurate equipment. My RMR is 2390 calories, so I've now structured my deficit around it. But I think my deficit has been too severe since getting my rmr test done.

I've been eating at or below 2390 calories a day, but have recently had some trouble sleeping. I wake up, either just as I'm drifting off to sleep or later in the night anywhere from 2-5 AM. And when I wake up, I'm JOLTED awake, I feel very hot and like I'm crawling out of my skin. I can't stay still/get comfy and it takes a few hours for my body to seemingly calm down again.

So, I'm now realizing I may be in way too big of a caloric deficit which is causing my insomnia. The company that did my RMR test has an equation that I plugged my rmr into, and based on my activity levels - I chose moderately active to be safe, which is 3-5 days of moderate exercise a week, but I may actually be in the very active category bc my weight sessions are usually 1-1.5 hours pushing to failure and my cardio can be intense at times - it said my maintenance cals are 3705. When I choose very active, it gives me 4123.

So, my question is, what exactly would you recommend my deficit be for healthy but rapid weight loss, based on my rmr, activity levels etc. ? And, does it make sense that too big of a deficit is causing these new sleep issues? I know from research that about 500-1000 cal deficits are healthy, but I'm afraid of going too high in cals and stifling the weight loss. Any idea what the sweet spot for me would be?

Thanks in advance for any guidance or tips!!

submitted by /u/upthereds02
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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