Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Lost 25lbs in the past 4 months, body fat is at 30.1%...requesting advice.

Hi everyone,

I've lost a total of 25lbs so far since getting serious, and here's the overall breakdown of my routine.

  • All week - 16/8 intermittent fasting
  • Mon-Sat - 1hr mild cardio (walking)
  • Mon-Wed-Fri - Weights (arms, back, shoulders, chest), 3-4 sets of ~6 reps at 20lb dumbbells (just increased from 15lb)
  • Tues-Thurs - Mild grip training (grip strengthener)
  • Saturday - Moderate cheat day
  • Sunday - Rest day

~1600 cals/day, approx. 150g protein

Dropped from ~200lb to 173lb

I just went for my first bod pod test and I'm at 30.1% body fat. Currently (IMO) I look skinny-fat. Slim legs, visible collarbones and good shoulder definition, moderate upper arm definition, very mild manboob and noticeable lower belly chub.

My belly has been the bane of my existence and I really would appreciate some serious advice on what I need to be changing/focusing on to start dropping my fat % seriously and as quickly/healthily as possible with minimal muscle loss.

I understand everything is a gradual process but I'm new to the fitness/diet/weight loss game so I'm finding it's very easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed with so many things to keep track of and my belly still quite visible despite all the work.

submitted by /u/clist186
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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