Saturday, July 10, 2021

How often do you weigh yourself and why?

TLDR: I weigh myself several times every day and it has had a positive impact on my life. How often do you weigh yourself and why not more/less?

As I have been going through my weight loss journey (302lbs starting 262 current) I have increased how often I weigh myself. When I started I first subscribed to the "Only weigh yourself once a week so you don't see the day-to-day fluctuations" philosophy. I can totally see how weighing yourself only once a week can be beneficial to you. If you have a lot of scale anxiety or get really discouraged by daily fluctuations then weighing yourself once a week sounds like a good idea.

However, I need instant gratification. I need that day-to-day feedback. I want to see that working out really hard yesterday showed up on the scale today. I can't wait a whole week to see if what I am doing is working. So pretty quickly, I started weighing myself each day. However, I need even more instant gratification. So I started weighing myself several times each day. I weigh myself usually six times each day (Morning, Pre-meal, Post-meal, pre-workout, post-workout, bedtime).

Weighing myself more often gave me a few things: more data, more understanding/patience, more control. I really like data and when I started weighing myself several times a day I got better (more accurate) average daily weights. I also gained a lot more understanding of how exercise and meals change my weight. I no longer get worried by seeing a day-to-day change of +2-3 pounds. That was really empowering. Finally, I feel like I had more control over my weight when I weighed myself more times each day. I could correlate every gain/loss with a choice that I made and see the results of those choices immediately.

Overall I love weighing myself several times a day. I think that this is how I will do it for the foreseeable future. How often do you weigh yourself and why not more/less?

submitted by /u/YogurtCloset47
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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