Friday, July 9, 2021

How to not end up being skinny fat?

Hello LoseIt community,

My stats: 21M, 169cm (5'6), Indian SW: 92kg (202lbs) CW: 83kg (182lbs) GW: 60-65kg (132-143lbs)

I have lost over 9kg (~20lbs) in 2 months completely through diet because of lockdown in Canada. I had very balanced, predominantly plant-based meals twice a day: rice, roti (whole wheat Indian bread), lentils, beans, paneer (Indian cottage cheese), skim milk and no fat yogurt (home-made), lots of vegetables, nuts and seeds. I use a teaspoon of oil when cooking for two people, across lunch and dinner (we have the same thing for lunch and dinner). I use salt sparingly and mostly flavor my food with herbs and spices. I share all my food even when outside with my friend, so even then, I did not eat too much. I do eat meat (mostly white) sometimes, but cut down to once a week during my weight loss and I feel better this way than when I used to eat meat everyday.

Now, I have been soft all my life. I have a high body fat percentage despite being a cricketer when I was young. Even now, I feel I am very soft and squishy, which makes me feel extremely insecure especially when girls touch me (given most guys of my age have harder bodies than me). This is true for my whole body especially my abdomen. I have protruding belly, and very big love handles. While the belly is not the big the love handles are very huge comparatively which makes my body look kind of unattractive. I even have a lot of FUPA which isn't helpful either (another insecurity). This kind of soft body is holding me from things I really enjoy like waterparks, swimming, or even running (because my body keeps bouncing). I keep wearing baggy clothes and pants upto my belly button (I love to wear it lower but my love handles show up).

Now that gyms are open, I started lifting weights and doing my cardio to lose weight. However, I am afraid that I might be losing weight, but will still end up being very soft. I need some advice so I can lose weight without remaining soft. I really don't want to have a six pack body or look shredded. I am normal undergraduate student who just wants to be healthy, which is not possible if the body fat percentage is on the higher end.

Please recommend me good workout routines and any possible changes in my diet, like getting more protein or reducing my carbs. I already eat around 80g of protein very easily. I had kidney problems before so I try to not do extremely high protein diets (>120g). Also, most whey isolates do not go well with my stomach because they cause lots of gas and abdominal discomfort, probably because of the artificial sweeteners. My roommate, who is a model, suggests me to eat like him, but it is highly impossible because 1. It is very bland, 2. I cook for my best friend, so she probably wants some flavour (mostly from spices, not fat). I know he is suggesting for my best, but I want to build a lifestyle, not simply lose weight and start with the old habits, which he understands. I fear gaining it all again, because I did it twice in the past. So I want to build a diet and lifestyle which I can stick to for life.

P.S.: I have had some members of the community be very rude and racist when I said I mostly eat Indian food, calling it extremely unhealthy. I know majority are not like that, but if you want to say something on that ground, here is something for you: most western people only know creamy, oily food like butter chicken which is not what I have even once a week. I acknowledge that Indians have bad eating habits, but that does not inherently make an entire cuisine unhealthy. I stated what I eat everyday, and you decide if it is healthy or not. If your definition of healthy is eating boiled, unseasoned chicken breast and broccoli, then you do you! I am very sorry for getting defensive, but it hurts when someone comments on your culture, especially something you practice everyday which is not harming anyone.

submitted by /u/sayinedi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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