Thursday, July 8, 2021

I don't want to be the heaviest among my friends

Backstory: I have struggled with BED for 10+ years. I have been in a constant restrict-binge-cycle. My highest weight ever was at a 31 BMI, so at a low level of obesity. I suffer from PCOS, Hashimoto (thyroid issues) and depression. I have consulted doctors, a registered nutristionist and a psychologist to help me to deal with this. I feel that during the last 1-2 years I finally broke the cycle. I changed my diet and started IF to better cope with my IBS. I read about IE and try to implement its theories into my life. I am thinking about what to add (fruit and veg) instead of what to restrict. I exercise regularly. I am guestimating that I am at a 28 BMI now. I don't weigh myself because I have the feeling that that number on the scale might trigger a BED relapse. I see positive changes when I look in the mirror and on how my clothes fit. I have been content with this new path and the pace of my journey.

A friend of mine whom I know for 20+ years and who has always been the biggest in our friends group, had gastric bypass surgery 2 years ago. They lost 130+ lbs within the first year after surgery. Their weight stagnated at a 30 BMI. I am the only one in our group who knows about the surgery. They and I have been the only ones in our group who've struggled with weight gain. Recently, they were told to lose another 26 lbs to be admitted for excess skin removal surgery. So they restarted their weight loss journey. They are trying to lose weight in an unhealthy way, though, by smoking to reduce appetite and by going on starvation (fad) diets. Every time the two of us meet, weight loss is the main topic of conversation. They talk about their weight and how much they have lost while ignoring my preference to not wanting to talk about weight and to not weighing myself since I am trying to overcome my old, unhealthy mindset. I feel really triggered by these conversations. Until recently, I have been secure in my journey but ever since they started their weight loss and are losing weight rapidly, I feel like I am left behind and will never achieve my goal (a healthy weight) with the pace that I am going.

Do you have any recommendations on how to deal with this? Have any of you dealt with a similar situation? I guess I need some cheering up.

submitted by /u/Milli-Marilli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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