Wednesday, July 21, 2021

My experiment and findings with fat loss, maintaining fat loss and maintaining muscles during fat loss and role of gene expression.

So here is what I discovered so far. Forgive any typos because English isn't my first language.

I started at 216lbs and I am a 5'9 guy so that was in a bad BMI. In past 3 months I went from 216 down to 192 (I got to 192lbs today) and that was in a lazy way, not even putting a lot of effort into it. I am gonna share all my findings and my experience to help future Redditors searching Google and current ones viewing this post because I read in the past about a lot of Redditors posting "I can't lose weight" or "I can't lose weight no matter what". The simple answer is calories in vs calories out but I believe for a lot of people something more than just calories in vs calories out plays a role.

I believe DNA expression plays a role. All of our cells contain the same DNA and what makes a cell express certain genes is some special proteins from what I read in a DNA science article. So my theory on what happens during intense physical activity periods is that the special activator proteins tell metabolism cells and fat cells to switch to burning mode for energy. I believe this is what happens because I noticed after I stopped doing intense cardio for weeks, I was still losing weight when I stopped the caloric deficit and went back to eating exactly what I used to eat before and the times I used to eat them and at a surplus often too (did running cardio every other day for 2 weeks btw). Prior to the running I started to start the weight loss journey, I was not active and didn't workout or do any physical intense activities, so my eating habits always kept making me gain weight and I kept gaining until I hit 216 pounds at the peak, this I believe was do the genes that were active to tell the body to have slow metabolism and to keep storing some food as fat. I noticed the sugary drinks stored as fat the fastest and easiest and this possibly do to the fact that is liquid and easier for body to convert to fat than a solid that has to be broken up to get fat and other nutrients out of it. Some fat is healthy for the human body and no one can ever be fat free or else they will die. The reason Ron Coleman and others have insane low body fat percentages of like 3% is because they always have their body in intense cardio mode from constant heavy lifting or other cardio.

After my initial interesting results of losing 20+ pounds from the running I was doing for 2 weeks and the caloric deficit of 2 months, I went back to my old ways just to test things out and see if I regain my weight or if I maintain because I've read about people regaining all the weight they lost. So for the past 1 month I haven't been doing any cardio like the running 3 miles around the lake. I noticed that despite going back to my old ways and eating in surplus and sometimes drinking sugary drinks and eating McDonalds, this time I wasn't going past 195 lbs. I was like wow I eat what I want, drink Starbucks sugary and carb filled lattes and eating fried foods and I am still not getting past 195 without even exercising. This made me strongly believe that Genes are playing some role in this "no longer gaining weight " despite going back to my old ways for a month. 23andMe and Nebula Genomics mentioned that I was in the group of 80% of people that reported they can't maintain weight loss unless they do intense cardio or something to that wording. So there you have it, one of the Genes in 80% of people requires intense cardio to maintain weight loss, but it doesn't mention how often that intense cardio should be. it may be that if I kept my bad habits of eating a lot and not working out at Gym or doing cardio, that I will regain all that weight when the cells get told to switch to fat storage mode.
This may be do to human survival evolution where some periods required fitness to hunt or fight or flight mode and other periods required fat storage mode when there is prosperity and plenty of food with no physical activity and being lazy.

There was one time in Winter in my state where I was walking and started slipping and started falling down a small hill near my house and I landed stomach and chest first, and at that time I was not fit and more fat with noticeable belly fat, then in the next few days I noticed I was slimmer in the belly area with reduced fat, so I believe that intense moment where the body believed it was in danger activated some fight/flight genetic natural weight loss that instruct fat cells to start burning off as some sort of danger has been encountered and to get more stronger muscles, I felt more stronger ab and back and all around muscles days later. After months since that slipping down hill belly first incident, I noticed I started regaining fat again and went back into old self so I believe the body special proteins instructed cells to resume fat storage mode as there is no more danger. This made me get a funny thought. I wonder if we put a tiger on a leash and scare someone by bringing the tiger close enough but not too close, this can put that person into fat burning mode as body now believes it is danger and will start favoring fitness and ability to escape that danger, but that is just a silly thought idea of mine and I don't want someone dying of a heart attack when they suddenly see a tiger or lion LOL.

So basically for me I gotta keep doing some running cardio or HIIT once every 2 months or so to keep my weight loss and metabolism high. If I just do CICO without cardio HIIT, it won't make much of any difference. I believe with the running people do, they make the body believe that the person is running to catch food or running to survive so it needs to keep on having high metabolism and keep burning fat and favoring fitness.

I am about to hit the 180s next week at rate fat burning is happening and I now see my abs beginning to show but bottom part of belly still has some fat, body gets fat out of belly the last because of the first come last out deal. With regards to the Muscles, I 100% believe the body does not use muscles during the intense cardio and caloric deficits. It takes way more energy for body to break down muscle fibers to use for energy, so body goes for fat until fat stores get very low then it switches to muscle fiber burning mode.

This week I wasn't in any caloric deficit nor doing any cardio or weight lifting and was still losing fat/weight due to the increased metabolism and cell Gene expression/activation to tell fat cells to keep being in burn off mode. Today I just hit 192 for the first time in years so the 180s and 170s are around the corner, each 10lbs of fat I lose has effect of showing more and more of my muscle definition beneath the fat. Double chin is gone now too.

Here are some other pics of my 216 to 192 journey so far

I feel good and healthy and still have my muscles and strength, I can even do more pushups now than when I was like Category 2 Obesity at 216lbs. In the past before starting the initial every other day for 2 weeks running around lake, anytime I hit Onederland with CICO only, I would get taken back to over 200s again, and hitting Onederland with CICO was harder and took longer than doing the cardio running around lake. So my conclusion is that Cardio has a bigger effect on telling body to get into fat burning mode and stay in fat burning mode. With CICO alone I suspect body will believe there is starvation times and it should get into fat storage mode whenever it gets opportunity so the next cheat day a person takes, the body does extra storing of the fats in the foods the person eats.

submitted by /u/Holierthanhe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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