Thursday, July 1, 2021

NSV: I turned a boring flight into a super fun one

I’m not really sure if this belongs here, but it felt kinda like a NSV for me. So yesterday I was flying out to Toronto and mentioned to a friend that I hoped I sat beside someone who was chatty, because it’s a bit of a long flight.

I thought I was in seat 26B but I must’ve screwed something up because my ticket had 20B on it. I got on the plane, walked down the aisle (not like that lol) and passed a bunch of faces as I searched for row 20. Lo and behold, there was a very pretty girl around my age sitting in the seat right next to mine. Gulp šŸ˜…. Now two years ago I would’ve been absolutely mortified at even the prospect of sitting down next to her, and soooooo self conscious about if I was bumping her elbows or whatever because I was too big, or if my leg was in her space, stuff like that haha. But I said hi to her when I sat down and not too long after we took off she noticed some of the books I brought with me and said I had amazing taste lol. We spent most of the flight chatting away about everything under the sun and sharing a lot and it was super nice šŸ˜Š. We even nerded out about the same Harry Potter things together lol šŸ˜‚. There’s no way I would’ve had the nerve to talk to her before my weight loss journey, but now that I’m more confident in myself... presto, I made a long boring flight into a really fun one šŸ˜Š.

Thanks for putting me in 20B Air Canada, you da real MVP šŸ˜‚! Also, second NSV: I hit 31,000 steps on my Fitbit running around seeing a bunch of things on an absolutely gorgeous day today in downtown Toronto, new personal best! Also also, happy Canada day to any Canadians in here šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦!!

submitted by /u/uncleiroh11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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