Monday, July 5, 2021

Struggling with carbs

Hi fellow losers, The good news is I've lost 15 lbs over the past 13 weeks through IF, CICO, and walking. Besides the weight loss, fasting has been great for my neuropathy and arthritis But I've been slipping from my routine for the past 3 weeks: breaking my fat with midnight snacks, not tracking my food, and indulging in excess carbs. Today,, I really blew it. I was cooking up rice. I sat in the kitchen and inhaled the burnt rice stuck to bottom of the pot, probably 3-4 bowls full. I've felt bloated and lethargic all day. But worst of all, my feet are on fire: itchy, tingly, permanent pins and needles. I can literally feel the nerve damage caused by my insulin resistance and high blood glucose level. If I can't get my food in order, in 20 years my feet are going to be gangrenous stumps. It's a hideous thought.
I know what I need to do: drink lots of water and tea in the morning, stay busy throughout the day, eat a sensible meal and snack during my window, and track everything down.
Anyone else struggling?

submitted by /u/Ladidido
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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