Saturday, December 18, 2021

Advice on unsolicited comments about my weight loss (40lbs) as a minor?

So, a bit of background; I’ve always been noticeably chubby, and have been at around 65-70kgs as a 5’3 female for a while. With the pandemic in 2020, as well as it being my senior year of high school, AND the infamous weight gain in the first year of college, my highest weight was somewhere around 74kg. In September, I turned 18.

In the middle of this year, during our second lockdown (I live in Australia) I decided to really focus on losing weight, and as of right now I’m at 55kg (and still making progress towards my goal).

Like I mentioned, as this happened during lockdown, I haven’t seen many of my parents/family’s friends since this happened. Most of the people my age I’ve seen haven’t said much, with a few commenting on how I generally look better, or healthier - I think younger people (roughly Gen Z) find it less acceptable to comment on someone’s weight, regardless of if it’s positive or negative.

However, when I have run into my parents’ friends (or generally people >40) they’ve often made comments specifically on how ‘I’ve lost so much weight’ or asked what I’ve done to lose it.

And honestly, it makes me REALLY uncomfortable. Generally, I still don’t like people commenting on my body, but it also makes me feel super weird to think of people regarding my body as overweight when I was still a minor, y’know? I was just a kid, and it REALLY rubs me the wrong way when people mention it.

Am I just overthinking it? Should I be more gracious, or is it alright to feel uncomfortable?

I also wanted some advice on how I should respond, when I’d really rather redirect the conversation, as I don’t like making a huge deal of my weight loss, which is a really personal subject to me.

I have a large event tomorrow where the guest list is basically just my parents’ friends. How should I respond to stuff like this? Has anyone felt similarly?

submitted by /u/submarine2010
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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