Sunday, December 5, 2021

Fitness Journey. 5'7 215lbs Obese -> 150lbs Skinny -> 150lbs Muscular -> 165lbs Shredded. Feb 2016 - Oct 2018

Progress Pics

February 2016 - Started my weight loss journey and used to post on here a lot. Was around 215lbs and very sedentary with no muscle mass whatsoever. Started counting calories and ate around 1200-1500 calories no exercise besides walking.

September 2016 - Had finished losing weight and hit my goal of 150lbs! Problem was I ended up looking really skinny with no muscle mass. As a result I began doing routines from /r/bodyweightfitness and build some muscle. Could barely do push-ups unassisted.

October 2017 - Finished one year of /r/bodyweightfitness (or around a year) and made decent progress I'd say. Got really good with ab workouts and could do well over 30 pullups.

October 2018 - Finished 2 years of working out and eating right. Incorporated exercises using dumbbells and weight plates in my own home gym setup and ended up after some bulk/cut cycles hitting 160-165lbs and a really lean physique. At this point I was insanely good at pullups and could with ease hit 50 pullups in one go and perhaps even a set of 3. With extremely strict form (like clenching abs, straight legs, maybe a position similar to an L-Sit) maybe 30 or so.

After Oct 2018 - Ended up overcome by my ever increasing battle with mental illness and other issues that spiraled me into a lack of self control and self care and ended up regaining back to 215lbs with bad eating habits, poor sleep, and no longer monitoring my calories or exercise. Gonna get right back on track though and get everything back into place! I bet you just within a month or two I could be looking maybe half as good or better just by trying to get back into my old routine.

submitted by /u/DarkZyth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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