Friday, December 17, 2021

For those who've had skin removal surgery - I have questions!

Hello all!

I am now two years into a weight loss journey. Down 187 pounds so far. I probably have another 30 to lose before I'm at a weight I am satisfied with, but I wanted to get the ball rolling with planning/scheduling skin removal surgery. Pretty sure I have another 10-15 pounds of SKIN ALONE that needs to go. -_- lol.

I've never had any kind of surgery in my life. Never even been admitted to a hospital before. So naturally, I am anxious!

The loose skin is horrible in a few key areas- lower belly, under arms, and the inner thighs. From the research I've done, it seems like a full tummy tuck, arm lift, and lipo on the thighs is what is needed. I do not expect any of this to be paid for by insurance.

I'd love to hear other people's experiences with these kind of surgeries post-major weight loss. Were you able to have multiple procedures done at the same time? How much did it cost? What was the recovery like? Scars, are they bad? Did you lose or gain weight post-op and what was your experience with that? Ideally I'd like to get the procedures done and then very very very slowly (over the course of a few years) lose a little more weight, probably just like 20 more pounds. What should I look for (other than board certified of course!) when choosing a surgeon? How long is the entire process, from consultation to surgery?

I live in a very rural area. The nearest "big city" to me is Syracuse, NY. If anyone has any recommendations for surgeons in the central NY area (Not NYC, it's too far away!) that would be amazing.

submitted by /u/Shiriluna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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