Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Friends becoming distanced the more weight I lose, any advice?

I started my weight loss journey in July, after many false-starts in the years leading up to it. This time I've become addicted to lifting in a gym and it's really working, there is one drawback however, 2 of my long-time friends have distanced themselves more and more as I lose weight. I've been friends with them for well over a decade and we've gone from hanging out several times a week to just kind of running into each other when I see them through mutual friends. Initially they were excited when I lost my first 10, 20, 30 lbs but now that I've lost much more weight and transformed physically the most I get from them is a "Hey man" just before they turn their back, no response to texts (we played DnD weekly for months before and now I'm not worth a reply when I ask when we're doing it next) and other things of that nature to indicate I'm not someone they want around. I won't pretend it doesn't hurt but fuck, what can I do about it? They're both far more successful career and relationship wise than I have ever been, I can't imagine it's jealousy. Has this happened to you? I'm not sure how to resolve this.

submitted by /u/Throwaway488902
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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