Sunday, October 14, 2018

I have been in denial about gaining weight. Now I am 190 lbs and scared about how hard it will be to lose weight in my late 30ies. It is so daunting. How do I start?

The last 2 years have been a very challenging time for me (leaving high pressure job close to burnout, starting a new job in a different country). I gained a lot of weight, without having the energy to do anything about it. I just let it happen and did not question my unhealthy habits because other things were more important. I have been in the upper region of healthy BMI all my life, but now I can no longer ignore my overweight. I need to do something.

I have done this before, 5 years ago when I decided I had to lose weight. I lost 20 lbs over 4 months through intermittent fasting. However during the period of weight loss, it completely consumed my daily life and I was hardly thinking about anything else, I had to structure my days around it and at times I was fairly miserable. I am at a stage in my life where I have a lot of things that I need to achieve and take care of. I am scared that when I start trying to lose weight again, I will have to devote all my energy and free time to this goal at the detriment of everything else in my life. How do I prevent this from happening? How do I start losing weight without completely obsessing about it? Also, I know the changes I will have to make are pretty drastic, and this is scaring me too. I am in my late thirties and from a family where all women in have become heavy in their middle age. So I am afraid I will make a lot of sacrifices but in the end I won't see any success.

Please I need some encouragement and pointers on where to start. Also, advice from women who lost weight in middle age, because I know it is not as easy as in your twenties.

submitted by /u/rainbowparadox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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