Thursday, October 25, 2018

Introducing myself to r/loseit

Hello fellow loseit'ers (loseit'ites? losers? unsure.)

I feel the need, after discovering this community and offering several comments on various posts on this forum, to introduce myself. I am 34 years old, male, I live in the United States. I have been blessed with a sound mind, resources, a good upbringing. I am in a loving marriage. I have 4 kids. I make a good living in IT. I have a problem. I have an addiction to eating.

I've always been "big boned". At 12 I was my current adult height and probably 170-180 lbs. I binged my way to 285 lbs as a teenager, then lost 90 lbs in my 20's and joined the military. I struggled to maintain my weight for 6 years while I was in, working out like a madman and eating healthy 3-4 days a week and binge eating for the rest. I can eat like it's my job. I have been known to polish off a large pizza and a half at a sitting. I got out of the military. I became sedentary. I ate like every meal was my last meal. I ate to assuage every insecurity, to fight off the depression, to celebrate every milestone in my life. I shot back up to 345 lbs.

Two years ago, I started noticing that after every meal, I would get really sleepy. I was having trouble breathing. I got sick all the time. I avoided activities that I once loved. Walking up a staircase would cause heavy breathing, then a coughing fit. I felt like the whole world was looking at me, judging me. I couldn't keep up with my kids (I had three at the time) . The doctor told me that I was pre-diabetic, my cholesterol was concerning for a 32 year old. Then one night, I had a dream. My kids, albeit slightly older, struggling to help my wife make ends meet. Bitter and angry at me for leaving them. Not understanding why I hadn't taken better care of myself. It was a short, but vivid dream. I couldn't explain it. My family are all big people, but heart disease isn't something that I've lost my family members to...but I died of a heart attack in my dream. I don't dream, hardly ever. I am a deep sleeper and dreams are rare. So this stuck out for some reason.

I made changes. I discovered Keto (Which isn't a bad option for someone that's got blood sugar problems.) I learned about CICO. I lost 40 lbs. I started going to the gym. I had no idea what I was doing. I walked on the treadmill, I used the elliptical. I stayed far away from the scary people moving heavy objects at the other end of the gym. Every day was a struggle. I stayed at it for about 2 months. And then, one of the scary people at the other end of the gym came and talked to me. Said, "Hey I've noticed your determination. I can help you." He taught me about Caloric deficits, introduced my to HIIT, Complexes, Kettlebells, Olympic style weight lifting. I found some things i enjoyed. People have noticed the changes in my physique. To date I have lost 100lbs. But I have also gone from moving a 95lb barbell as a struggle, to being able to deadlift 420lbs. Being able to work out for an hour to an hour and a half solid with little rest.

I have changed and adapted my habits several times in the past 2 years. I'd say I'm not even on what I would call a diet anymore. I have changed my relationship with food. I eat clean, mostly. Lots of lean protein, lots of vegetables, a couple pieces of fruit a day, black coffee, unsweetened tea, I drink a gallon of water every day. I rarely eat out. People look at me like I'm crazy, like I've adapted this unattainable, spartan lifestyle. They say things like, I could never give up my <insert trigger food here>. I don't understand anymore. The changes have been gradual, but I don't know that person that I was anymore. I can still remember him and the way he acted, but I don't understand the motivations that drove him to the point that he was at. I still fear him sometimes.

I am one of you. I have been there. I am still there sometimes. I've struggled with being unhealthy and overweight from my childhood. I have yo-yo'd. I have fad dieted. I have binged. I became someone that I despised. And I have changed. And I'm here telling you that you can change too. Here are some things I've learned.

  1. The only failures in your journey are the things that you fail to learn from.
  2. Every day is day one.
  3. Yesterday does not matter today.
  4. You can't compete with anyone else, they are on a different path than you, they have different life experience and different strengths, you can only compete with yourself.
  5. Write things down. Goals, achievements, successes, failures...especially failures.
  6. Make honest self-assessments of where you are based on what you have written down.
  7. Make a change. It doesn't have to be a monumental, earth shattering change, just a small one. Walk up the stairs. Stop putting sugar in your morning coffee. Keep making changes.
  8. Be a slightly better you than the you that you were yesterday. Success is incremental. This is a long journey.

I have 50 lbs to go to my new weight loss goal. I want to run a Spartan race this coming spring. I want to help people the way that I have been helped. I know I can't help everyone here. I know that the path I have followed will not work for everyone here. If I can help, encourage, motivate, teach, or constructively criticize even one of you...

submitted by /u/somerandomwebperson
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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