Monday, October 1, 2018

Losing the last 10 pounds & I've hit a plateau. Advice?

I'm no stranger to losing weight (lost 60 pounds after my son was born), and in the past have gotten pretty good at dropping 10 pounds pretty easily. This time around has been more difficult. Over this last summer I put on 10 pounds because I had gotten down to my goal weight and just stopped trying as hard with food choices/gym. My clothes don't fit anymore and I'm fed up. After doing some reading, I decided to start the Paleo diet (I wanted more of a lifestyle change, and not a "diet") about 3 weeks ago and got a personal trainer. I'm now working out 3-4 days a week, going on 2-3 miles walks a few times/week, and eating about 1300-1500 cals/ day. No refined sugar, dairy, or wheat. I cut out my biggest love, Dr. Pepper, and now drinking water and black coffee. In the past, I would cut carbs, soda, and would see results pretty fast. For some reason this time around my weight loss stalled. 3 weeks ago, when I started, I quickly lost 3-4 pounds (probably water weight?), and since then... NOTHING. In fact, I have been fluctuating a pound up or down.

Was hoping someone here that has more insight could help me figure out what the hell my body is doing. Is it the diet change? I assumed cutting out carbs, cheese, and sugar would be a good thing, but I'm starting to get defeated. Today I planned to just binge Taco Bell because I'm so upset. Over the last 3 weeks I've had one cheat meal, so I figured what the hell. Instead of throwing in the towel, I figured I would post here and get some more opinions before I make a bad decision.

And if it helps, I'm female, 31 and my current weight is 127. I am trying to get to 120, which was my pre-pregnancy weight. Hopeful to wear my old jeans again.

submitted by /u/baileys_in_a_shoee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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