Wednesday, October 3, 2018

My journey: from 182 lbs to 151 lbs...35/M

My weight loss journey started six months ago while I was cleaning up my garage. I used to be in denial about my weight, I could tell I was putting on pounds but I just attributed it to aging. After all, its normal to put on some weight as you age, right? Even though my old clothes would not fit anymore I used to convince myself "that's what happens with old clothes after you wash them a lot, they shrink".

Anyway, one day when I was cleaning up my garage I found the results of a doctor's visit from 5 years ago, and there I saw I was 162 lbs back then. Which means I gained 20 lbs in just 5 years. This shocked me, it made me realize I wasn't just putting on "some pounds", but I was well on pace to being obese in my 40s. I decided I had to change...and I found r/loseit. Here I learned about CICO and decided to download a calorie counting app and started monitoring what I was eating. This helped me find out what where the habits that were causing me to gain weight.

Now, six months later, I've reached my target weight, and I couldn't be happier. I feel more energetic and just overall much better with myself. I didn't even make any drastic changes, no forbidden foods, etc. I simply started doing common sense things like eating out less, smaller portions, not drinking milk from the carton, etc.

So thanks, r/loseit for the inspiration!

Here's my before/after pics

submitted by /u/Kamohoaliii
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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