Monday, October 15, 2018

Sugar Makes My Body Fall Apart

So I have some interesting stuff going on. Let me just tell you I have been CICO for almost 2 years and lost around 100lbs. When I started I had High BP, Chronic acid re-flux, and was trying to diagnose several symptoms from vertigo, chronic neck pain, heart palpitations etc.

During the course of my weight loss everything went away...Everything. My doctor even took me off the High BP medicine, and I have maintained normal BP since. The neck pain comes back every once in a while but usually when I neglect my exercise for more then a couple days. Also during the course of this I had several glucose tests and never showed diabetes or Pre diabetes.

All this said however, my body will no longer tolerate sugar. I took two weeks of for a Vacation we took earlier in the year. During that time I got a rapid onset of vertigo, dizziness and heart palpitations. I had been eating sugar. It was so bad I thought I was having a tumor and went to the hospital. They couldn't find anything, and suggested I see a neurologist.

After being home three days and back on the plan it all suddenly went away, the only thing remaining were the thousands of dollars in hospital bills. My doctor could not explain this to me.

So back on the program again I took a night off, figuring one scoop of ice cream could not break the world. Today I have little blisters on my fingers (which often happens with me and sugar), I can barely keep my eyes open, and my inner ear pressure is all messed up. Needless to say sugar is no longer going to be a part of my day off regimen. But the fact remains I cannot find an actual medical name for this. Its very strange. Has anyone else had anything like this?

submitted by /u/drunken_klingon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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