Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Why did you decide to lose weight?

Hello, I am new to this sub-Reddit and Reddit in general but wanted to ask a quick question to you all;

What was it that made you start losing weight?

The turning point for was getting on the scale and seeing 134 kg (301 lbs if you like) and running out of clothes to fit into and struggling to fit into XXXL t-shirts. With that I decided it was time to make a change, sooner rather than later as I am only 18 so I needed to get into good habits early on.

Most of my weight came from struggling to manage the food I ate. It mainly came down from me working at McDonald'd for 18 months and being given free meals at work. That wasn't so bad, the bigger issues came when I started struggling with my mental health and turned to food to comfort me and just lying in bed doing nothing on the weekends which meant I started pilling on the weight as I would have a meal before I started a shift, during on my break and then another after the shift so was eating a LOT of fast food regularly and didn't think twice about spending £70 (around 90$) a week on food.

I had tried to lose weight before but could never quite keep at it, looking back it was because I was limiting myself too much, only eating 800 calories a day and the same food day in and day out and not doing a whole lot of exercise.

This time around I have committed myself properly and for good (I hope). Probably the best thing I have done is invest in the weight loss, so for me I brought a FitBit and got a gym membership which in my mind, if I invested money into it I wouldn't waste it by not making use of it and trying to lose weight.

The way I saw food also helped a lot for me as before, I cut everything out as I didn't really understand that being in a calorie deficit and exercising, made you lose weight rather than just cutting out fast food. Another thing is that I can still enjoy the food I used to, but having smaller portions and a lot more control over the food that I am having.

The only issue now is that my clothes are getting too big for me!

TL DR: What made you lose weight and what things have you learnt that has helped you stay on track?


submitted by /u/jacoblb_
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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