Tuesday, November 6, 2018

30 Day Accountability Challenge- Day 6

Hi everyone! It's Tuesday and here in the US of A it's election day. Which means that a good deal of conversation has been had in the Joisan household over the last several days about the ballot measures and candidates we had to vote on. And to relate this back to fitness and weight loss, our local polling place was only about a 15 minute walk away so I went and walked over to drop off our ballots. In addition to that I finished baking the last of the pfeffernusse dough. I think in the end we got a bit more than 100 cookies in the batch. Thank goodness husband has a big office full of people to foist some of those off on, and we can also distribute a few to my in-laws, but in the meantime sneaking one or two into my daily calorie count actually isn't too bad. On an unrelated note, the past several days I've been having some pain in my hip when I run that I'm a bit worried about. It doesn't hurt me normally but whenever I run for any extended length of time it starts to feel sore. But not enough to actually impact my ability to run so idk? I'm still thinking I'm going to get an appointment with a sports medicine doctor if it continues to bother me by the end of the week. Luckily Boulder has a ton of good sports doctors. Given the number of very intense runners, cyclists, etc. that live here I can see why!

Weight: 137.5 again. At least I'm not back above 138! I've noticed that whenever I eat more than about 1600 kcal in a day I tend to go up on the scale even though I should still be well below maintenance.

Calories: Ended yesterday at 1742... approximately. There was a lot of guesstimating with the food I ate yesterday.

Steps: 15,119 including a 6 km run. I'm amazed... when I first started running in late July it would have taken me over 20 minutes to run 2.5 km, now I can run 6 km in less than 40 minutes. I find that sometimes I can get caught up in how far I still have to go and lose sight of how far I've already come.

Gratitude: I'm very thankful to live in a state which (in my opinion) has a fantastic election system compared to the other places I've lived. All registered voters get mailed a ballot a few weeks before the election date. Not just a sample ballot, the actual ballot. You then have plenty of time to fill it out at your own convenience, no waiting in line or having to worry about fitting it into your work schedule. Once it's signed and sealed, you can either return it by mail or at any of the ballot drop boxes distributed around the county. And if you like doing things the old fashioned way or you lost your ballot there are still polling places where you can go vote.

How about all of you? Has it been a terrible Tuesday? Terrific Tuesday? Just a typical Tuesday? Let's hear it!

submitted by /u/Joisan08
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2qwCY7L

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