Wednesday, November 14, 2018

[6'1 18M] My 100 lb weight loss journey

Progress pics: BMI: 40.3 (morbid obesity) -> 22.7 (normal)

Hey guys. I made one of these threads a few weeks ago, but today I finally hit the milestone that in the past I thought was absolutely unobtainable. Like actually impossible due to how lazy I thought I was. The fact that I'm making this thread is proof that you can do it too, because if this was possible for me, it is for you.

Almost my entire life I have been fat as hell. Maybe not when I was a little kid, but I started getting heavy around 6-7th grade. I love food and my mouth fucking vacuumed up ice cream, candy, chips, and other bullshit on a regular basis. I would rather eat an unhealthy option than a healthy one just off the basis that I assumed everything that wasn't junk food tasted like shit. My mom hated it and food/my weight became a pretty sensitive subject around the house. At a certain point in high school, I weighed 273 lbs, wore my dad's 42 waist khakis (which had to be hemmed to like a 42x30, because I hadn't grown yet, wtf), and had a BMI of 40.3. One year I had to go to my great grandfather's funeral wearing a pair of my dad's pastel pink chino pants because I literally couldn't even fit into one pair of khakis I had.

Last year, fast forward, I'm in my freshman year of college. I was still fat as hell the entire year, but ended up getting mononucleosis and missing close to a month of classes. Being sick caused me to lose 25 lbs, and despite my body being fucking ravaged by this virus, I noticed that I was receiving some compliments on my weight loss. I went through the rest of the year still eating like shit (pint of ice cream a night, etc) until I reached the summer, where on one morning I made the greatest decision of my life.

I woke up around 8 one morning this summer and woozily started watching some YouTube videos. Somehow, after a bit I ended up on the weight loss part of YouTube, and started watching the various transformations of people once morbidly obese. I looked at myself and realized, why the fuck can't I do this too? I went to the NYSC website, signed up for the monthly package, closed my laptop, and went to the gym.

Little did I know that would be the start to the greatest decision of my life. I developed a cardio routine at the gym, typically trying to burn 250-500 calories a day through treadmill and elliptical. Because I was working so hard at the gym, the last thing I wanted to do was completely waste my time by eating like shit. I became obsessed - never had I ever read the nutrition facts on a food in my life, tracked my calorie/carb intake, and even weighed myself at home (was too scared to see the number). I owe most of my progress to CICO - learning that all you need to do to lose weight is burn more that you intake made me realize that this didn't have to be so hard after all.

Today, as of November 14th, I weigh 172 lbs with a BMI of 22.7. I have lost 101 lbs and knocked almost 18 pts off my BMI, as well as went from a 42 inch waist to a 33 inch waist. I went from having to wear size XXL to being able to comfortably fit a Medium shirt size.

You can do this. It will be hard sometimes, but always know that no one can do this for you.

submitted by /u/doughboyyyyyy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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