Saturday, November 17, 2018

Concerns about continuing to lose/maintain after an unintentional weight loss?

I've been doing volunteer work in a third world country for a few months now. Due to the heat, lack of food choices, issues with available food, and just a general dislike for the food here, I've pretty unintentionally lost 25 pounds and am nearly to my goal weight, much to my surprise (a lack of mirrors and the requirement to culturally wear very loose fitting clothes means that when I weighed myself, I was quite shocked).

Before moving here, I set the goal of 135lbs for myself but figured if I ever got to it, I would consider setting a second goal of 125 (I'd still like to get to 125 one day but am in no hurry after all this).

I guess my concern is that the way I've lost this weight is not considered particularly healthy, and I want to increase my calorie intake to a level where I'm getting enough calories to lose at a more healthy rate and also be able to start working out. However, I'm afraid that my body will balloon up because it is not used to a sufficient number of calories. I've heard too many horror stories.

I feel kind of vain thinking about this while I'm here, and it probably sounds like a silly concern, but I really don't want to go back to where I was because I was pretty unhappy. If anyone has dealt with something similar or had any advice, I'm all ears!

submitted by /u/-n0ra-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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