Monday, November 19, 2018

I'm starting today.

 Ok everyone I'm starting my weight loss journey today. I have about 100lbs to lose. I've done it before years ago but stress, depression and emotional eating has gotten in my way. I'm 5'8 F 260 lbs. 

Also, obesity runs in my family so I'm working on beating genetics and being healthier for my son. I want to use food to live/enjoy not boredom/comfort. My plan is to restrict calories/portion control (not ridiculously) and start exercising 3 times a week eventually working my way to 5. I've had an unhealthy relationship with food where I would literally not eat due to stress, my metabolism slowed and I would feel sick then binge eat. I'm trying to accept that food is not the enemy. I'm not necessarily cutting out any food just paying close attention and logging everything. Any advice or tips about food, exercise, anxiety/stress would be appreciated. I'm also trying to get back into yoga that I really enjoyed for my lower back pain and really giving meditation a try. Thanks everyone. All these posts have been inspiring and I'm not putting it off anymore.

submitted by /u/meganraindrops
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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