Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Surgery postponing progress

So I've been a long time lurker on this subreddit, but I figure I should finally post. I'm a transmale, I'm 20 years old, and I've been overweight my entire life.

At the start of two summers ago (2017) I had just graduated high school and was 211 pounds, my heaviest ever. I started losing weight that summer because I worked at a summer camp, where we walked 20k steps daily just chasing after our kids. I lost a solid 30 pounds that summer without adding anything extra to my day. After camp during the off season I went back up to around 190, and this last summer I went again, and dropped down to 170. That was my lowest and I was so happy to be there.

I got surgery in October (top surgery, finally) and now I'm struggling to get myself to work on my weight loss. It was a lot easier at camp where we had fitness integrated into our lives by just walking around and going on hikes ever week or two. I'm almost at the 6 week recovery mark, which is when people are generally cleared to work out, and now I'm trying to watch what I eat again. I definitely slacked off during recovery because I used the excuse of "Oh I'm recovering, it's okay if I just eat this." or "This is easy to make and I know I like it", which I know I shouldn't have done. I've gained back 6 to 8 pounds since summer ended and now I'm really trying to work to get myself down to my GW.

submitted by /u/CptnAnxiety
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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