Friday, November 2, 2018

[SV & NSV] First 25lbs lost!

Scale Victory!

This week I made it to 25 lbs lost! That's halfway to the first goal weight I have set for myself. I have never everrrr been able to lose this much weight in my whole life! I've also never been able to approach weight loss with a healthy mindset until now, so this is, like, a momentous life event for me.

ETA: What has helped me the most has been to completely avoid strict calorie counting, because that takes me to a crazy place. Instead, I made myself familiar with the nutritional values of my most commonly consumed foods. Now I just estimate the calories etc in everything I want to eat and portion accordingly. I also allow myself lots of flexibility with daily calorie intake. I NEVER punish myself or try to make up for going over my calorie goal. I always remind myself that it's okay to go over some days. Some days I'm under anyway, so it all evens out! I'm trying to look on the bright side of going over rather than going into a failure death spiral. It's actually better if my weight loss is slowed down - It will probably lessen my chances of super loose skin, increase my chances of keeping the weight off and put less stress on my body. I don't restrict myself from any foods either and I have created a rule for myself that I must drink a glass of water before or after I eat.

I also stopped eating meals when you're "supposed to". A lot of dieting tips led me to think things like extra protein in the morning will help me not binge at night. Even though I have no appetite in the mornings, I was forcing myself to take in calories I didn't even want. And it did nothing to stop my binges. So I stopped following advice like that and started listening to my body instead. I only start eating when the tummy rumbling starts. And honestly, that's not until late afternoon or early evening and by then it's hard to take in more than 12-1500 calories before I go to bed.

Non-scale Victory!

You know how sometimes you buy clothes online, but they're just a little tight? And instead of returning them, you keep them and tell yourself, "Well, I'm gonna lose the weight and it's all gonna fit me so I guess I should keep it!" Then you never lose the weight. Sometimes you even gain some instead. Now you're left with all these clothes in the back of your closet that don't fit, but you can't bring yourself to get rid if them.

Last year, I bought a pair of pants and did all of that. Now that I've finally actually lost weight, my old clothes are getting loose. So, I tried on the too-small-pants on a whim and THEY FIT! They don't squeeze or pinch or restrict my movement or cause a massive fat roll over the waistline. They just fit and it feels amazing!!! I also fit into a top that wasn't from the plus size section for the first time in years!

I'm so happy, you guys!!

submitted by /u/cosmikd3bris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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