Saturday, November 3, 2018

The number on the scale should not be your only metric...

...just because the scale isn't giving you a number you like doesn't mean you efforts are a waste. i called my mom crying today and she reminded me of this. I have a feeling there are plenty of people who can use this reminder too.

Warning, long post ahead.

I'm 22 and for the last 2 years I've been slowly working to loose the weight I put on during freshman and sophomore year of college. It's been an uphill battle, to be honest, and as a high achiever, it's incredibly painful to not be hitting all my goals, all the time.

I started this journey in May 2016 at the weight of 168lbs. At 5'1", that's an unhealthy, obese weight. Today, I'm at 152lbs. "Overweight" according to BMI calculators. It's been a struggle to get this far.

I just started my first full time "adult" job in late July. It's a rotational program, so I've only had a few months in the headquarters area before I get shipped off later this month to a different location. Which meant a lot of networking in a very short period of time. Happy hours, lunches, birthday cakes, you name it. And then of course, going out with my peers on program, so drinking and late night drunk food.

Happy hours, going out, and bar food, don't play very well with a 1200 daily calorie target. So, I've been hitting the gym 4-5 times a week too. Not as punishment. But because I love lifting. Working out with the intent to lift heavier and get stronger has made going to the gym pure enjoyment. Putting more weight on the bar is a fulfilling challenge. I've kept my calorie goal at 1400 a day, enough to still be in a deficit on the days I don't lift, but also enough to have enough fuel/energy to make progress in the gym.

And I'll be honest, I haven't been watching my calories as closely as I should have. I'll say yes to going and getting a beer with a friend even though I only know I have 600 calories left for dinner that day. I'll pick at the chips/fries/etc. at happy hour even though I know I shouldn't because it's there and everyone else is picking at it. So, of course, I've plateaued and stayed at the same weight for the last month or so.

And today was my breaking point. I have been so tired of choosing between staying in and being meticulous with my food or going and running elbows with the senior management of my company while I'm in the same geographic area as they are. I have been so tired of the constant battle between my priority to build a good future for myself and my priority to get healthier.

I called my mom sobbing. And she reminded me that there are so many other metrics that point to me getting healthier. That weight loss is not a race, it's a marathon. She made me list all the amazing fitness/weightloss related accomplishments I've had these past few months (list below).

For those of you who are like me and feel like they are hitting a wall, I want to remind us all that it's okay I'd the scale doesn't drop every week. It's okay to take a maintenance break for a couple weeks to help get your mental health under control or deal with a particularly busy or stressful time (moving, new job, holidays, family emergency, etc.). The scale is not the only measure of your health and your progress. And just because the scale isn't doing what you'd like, doesn't mean you aren't on the right path. Keep working, keep trying, and always do it out of a place of self-care and self-love. I may have to keep walking the weightloss marathon for the next year or so to get to my goal. But trust me, I will keep walking and I hope you keep walking with me.

Since graduating: *I've slimmed down significantly even though the weight difference is only about 5lbs. [Progress pics: May 25th to October 27] *I've built healthy habits around food, such as eating more vegetables for lunch and dinner instead of carbs if I know I'll be going out and drinking later that day. *I can run faster and further than ever before (I ran a 12 minute mile for the first time in my life last week). *I can deadlift more than my bodyweight (!!) and do 30 burpees without wanting to die. *My mental health is improving

submitted by /u/jaxcat96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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